Transplanted Life
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Getting ready for changes
I guess things are going pretty well with Maureen and Anna; last night they informed me that they were planning on moving in together. Just a month or two ago, them taking this step would have surprised me, because even if they weren't still feeling terribly weird about being attracted to each other, they still had some ideas that they kind of felt the need to outgrow. They both grew up in less-than-open-minded households, and their gut told them that gay people were flaky and didn't get into long-term relationships, so it probably wouldn't be a good idea to move in together because what will you do when she leaves you in a couple months? Nobody who knows Mo and Anna would describe either as flaky, but you learn a stereotype, and it becomes tough to shake, even if it directly contradicts first-hand knowledge.

So, Anna's lease runs out at the end of September, and they've already put down a security deposit for a one-bedroom in the Inman Square. I was evidently the first person they told, because it doesn't give me much more than a month to either break my lease or find a new roommate.

Finding a new place of my own is awful tempting; I may be remembering the place in Allston where I first woke up as "Michelle" through rose-colored glasses - in fact, I'm sure I am - but there is a great feeling of independence to it. Still, I like where I am right now. It's just steps to the bus that takes me to work - and don't even mention moving closer to Waltham Center; aside from my not planning on having the same job by the new year, I've been a city girl since before I was a girl, and I know that the suburbs aren't for me - it's also an easy walk to the grocery store and my favorite theaters and such. Plus, I really don't have the money in the bank to put a security deposit down on a new place before I get the one from here back. Another reason why I need a new and better-paying job.

I figure the sessions where people come to look at the apartment and meet me are going to be surreal - "have you ever had a guy for a roommate? I haven't been one in two years, but sometimes Maureen swears it was just yesterday!" Seriously, though, what person who doesn't already know me won't be a little freaked out about this?

At least it looks like I'll be able to put WPI Class of '97 on my résumé without it being the bad kind of B.S. soon. I don't know how many people will believe it, but I guess it only takes one. It's a little scary that I'll be getting my story out there to people other than my friends and the folks who read this (90% of whom probably think it's fictional, anyway). But that's pretty inevitable; Maggie says that there's a paper or two about the science of mind-exchange being peer-reviewed right now. She doesn't think any will be published soon, because whoever has made the nanomachines hasn't shared how to do it, so it's not a repeatable experiment, but, still, someone will eventually.

... this wasn't the "nifty but weird" news you were talking about a few days ago, is it? Cause that would suck.
No, but if I can't talk about that tomorrow, I may burst.
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